What Every CEO Should know about Generative AI

Hey Matthew Coughlin Mike Grzelakowski at XSELL Technologies,

was McKinsey & Company talking about you guys when they wrote this "A specially trained AI model could suggest up-selling opportunities to a salesperson, but until now those were usually based only on static customer data obtained before the start of the call, such as demographics and purchasing patterns. A generative AI tool might suggest up selling opportunities to the salesperson in real time based on the actual content of the conversation, drawing from internal customer data, external market trends, and social media influencer data.

This insight and use of AI will have a huge impact on conversion. Carry on...


about Tom

Tom Lewis

I am a seasoned executive with a passion for driving growth and innovation in the Software-as-a-Service and Tech-Enabled Services space. With a background as a former AI SaaS CEO and Management Consulting Senior Partner, I am at home advising the C-Suite in high-growth, dynamic Software or Tech companies.

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